Saturday, 11 June 2016

Day 7 - Supermarket Food and the Packaging Problem

 Day 7

 So this morning was pretty uneventful, I had a bit of a lazy morning. So I had weetabix for breakfast and then made a rather nice tuna crunch sandwich for lunch (tuna, red onion, Bell pepper with tomatoes on the side). I must mention that I buy my tinned skip Jack tuna from sainsburys, as they are the only ones I have found that sell sustainably sourced tuna. How can you tell? They put the MSC - marine conservation society logo on it to prove it is being monitored and regulated. Ignore the other bullshit logos that might claim sustainable or ''dolphin friendly'  but that practically means nothing. Look for the msc logo and you'll be fine.

For my second lunch -  I was hungry alright! - I had this burger from a stall near my sisters house in Cambridge. There was some sort of fete going on so we made the most of it. All non plastic packaging I'll have you know too!

So I'm in Cambridge at the moment for my sisters birthday weekend and I decided I wanted some snacks for her house. The nearest shop is a huge sainsburys so I thought I must be able to get something in there. Walked about for ages looking at all my usual crisps, biscuits, sweets, refrigerated foods.. The picture of the bananas and other bits is what I eventually came out with. At least I managed to get something but it did make me feel a bit crap walking past everything I love to eat and having this physical barrier stopping me buying it. It was unbelievable the amount of plastic that covers everything. Seriously. The next time you go to the shop, just consciously make the effort to look at think about it. Things you'd think wouldn't have plastic actually do. Things that are in boxes have plastic inside. It's a mine field!

So being my sisters party (love you laura!) I was drinking rum and coke. Rum comes in glass and the coke I can get in cans so that's okay. Also had pizza for dinner and my only fail was that tiny pot of sauce that arrived with the pizza. Not bad for a whole days worth of plastic =).

Until tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

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