Day 1I started the day well, using my own aluminum bottles for work and in by bag. I was working all day today, so it was easy not to go buy anything. I had my own lunch prepared a few days ago, so no need to buy anything out. I must say that where I am avoiding buying plastic and especially disposable plastic, I am still using my plastic food containers. These containers are BPA free by Sistema and in my opinion I don't see why I shouldn't continue to use them now that I have them. I understand some plastic tubs have harmful BPA chemicals, but these don't, and i'm unlikely to be throwing these away anytime soon - however I will not buy anymore, so that is the biggest point really.
Okay so whilst on my lunch break I found a place called Planet Organic in Muswell Hill which are in partnership with a company called Unpackaged. So i went here after work, as they are open until 9pm even on a Sunday! So in the shop they actually have grains, pulses, cereals, pastas, dried fruit etc and you can just take a container, weigh it out and pay at

the till. No packaging required. This is great for me, because I was beginning to worry about where i'd get cereal and pasta! And I eat a lot of both so it was important. I also bought these paper sandwich bags in there, which may also help me when getting some fruit/ veg from supermarkets as i could put it in there instead of the plastic bags they still supply in most shops. They also had a refill station for the Ecover products, which included fabric conditioner, laundry detergent and washing up liquid etc. I did buy some veg from here, and they supplied paper bags, however they had a lot of things wrapped in plastic and if they weren't then the price was extortionate. Some of the things I could not buy here included meat, cheese, some veg, pasta in packets, crisps, biscuits etc.

I also found the Ecoleaf toilet rolls I wanted, they are made from recycled paper AND the outside packaging is not plastic, it is compostable, so win/win! Very pleased! No bamboo toothbrushes or alternative to toothpaste though.

Luckily, I saw a green grocer/ corner shop just around the corner from Planet Organic, that had a very good selection of fruit and veg, with paper bags too and cheaper prices. So I bought quite a few things I needed. Annoyingly I had to buy two things today that were wrapped in plastic and ordinarily these aren't things I would ever buy - cucumber (ew!) and lettuce (i'm not really fussed on lettuce!). But i'm looking after a couple of guinea pigs for a friend, and I was out of veggies to feed them (and these were two things she said to feed them, so I had to buy them). Now, I only have the piggies until Friday, and I'm hopeful that i'll be able to find these unpackaged at a farm shop I know, so hopefully that's doable! I feel cheated that neither a grocer or a eco cautious shop would not have unwrapped cucumbers and lettuce - it's annoying! I did find broad beans though, this was a very big surprise for me to find in such a small shop, so i'm happy I found some! I always wait until they are available in the supermarkets usually, so it was a bonus buy! Very pleased!
That was my day, and tomorrow I'll be going to a farm shop, trying to figure out toothpaste still and sorting out milk as everywhere I go it's all in plastic!
Thanks for reading!
Well done for starting this! Next time don't worry about the unnecessary Guinea pig food, just cut them some nice leafy grass, that's really the best thing for them.