Friday, 10 June 2016

Day 6 - Tshirt Bags and The Farm Shop

 Day 5
Today was  my sisters birthday, and she decided that she wanted to go to a farm shop to have lunch. So when I picked her up we went on a drive to go visit one. She also gave me these two awesome upcycled bags from my friends mum Karen (thanks Karen!). She was making them and saw what I was doing so wanted to help in anyway she could, so I am now the proud owner of these amazing tshirt and crochet bags. They are really well made, with denim straps, lining inside, and beautiful decoration of fish and tea. I love them. So the first picture is me sporting  the bag outside of the farm shop we went to.
 The Farm shop was great, we stopped for lunch and we had a cheese ploughman lunch with some tea. The Farm shop is associated with or owns the place that does the raw milk, so that was cool to find out. I bought some things from there today. I saw that they  do a selection of  loose frozen food, such as various pastries, breaded mushrooms, onion rings, Yorkshire puddings etc. So I bought some Croissants, pan au chocolat, cinnamon swirls and cookies all to bake at home. Annoyingly though I saw on the instructions when  I got home that 3/4 of  them  have to be washed with egg and then proved in the fridge over night first.. I'm beginning to think this lifestyle requires a lot more planning than I'm used to in my usual day to day! Not a problem really, just a little inconvenient.
 I also bought  some more eggs and some fruit and vegetables (asparagus, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and apples). I can say one thing already that having to go out of your way for the food  you want really makes you appreciate it and also not waste it. Especially once I get my hands on meat  / fish, I will not be taking that for granted. Even the vegetables though, knowing that I can get certain things from certain places I'm less inclined to over buy on impulse buys  and waste food.
 On that note I was researching how long raw milk can last in the fridge and I'm pleased to say it can last 2 weeks, which is good news because I'm only just at the bottom of the first bottle. Also I realised that if I'm reusing those glass milk bottles I bought then I'd have to make sure I sterilise them properly otherwise I could affect the freshness of the new milk I get next time. So that is going to be a bit of a faff I'm sure.

I've been a bit lucky with meals today as I ate out at lunch and then again for dinner with the family, so I've not had to worry about cooking. But I will be adding my meals for each day to this blog so you can see how it might be affecting my diet / snacking abilities.. Actually on the snacking thing, my boyfriend ordered a sandwich for lunch that came with loose crisps on the side.. This may not seem like an exciting thing, but 5 days in and no crisps or proper snacky food and I'm craving it. I'm not really a person with a sweet tooth, so my main snacking would be savoury things like crisps. At the moment my snacking is limited to apples and bananas because I haven't been inventive or prepared for such times that I might want something to snack on. So that's something I'll have to improve on.

Anyhow, it's getting a tad late, so until tomorrow!

Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi! These are my go to snack

  2. Hi! These are my go to snack
