Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Day 3 - Painkillers and Periods

Day 3
So late last night something occurred to me that I hadn't thought about yet. What happens at that time of the month? Are normal tampons plastic free? Turns out, no! They contain polyethylene which is the same type of plastic that plastic bags are made from.. Now I'm not mad, I do have quite a stock of my regular tampons in case of emergency, but I have found a decent supplier of 100% cotton tampons with plastic free packaging. They are called Natracare, and I've ordered some to try out when need be.

Another good point for me in linking in with the point above is pain killers. However they all come in plastic packaging and I'm unlikely to find any that come unpackaged.. Could alternative medicine actually work? Or maybe I  could pay a look a like of me to go to my work and do my job whilst I curl up in bed with a hot water bottle. I'm a bit wary of alternative medicine, as I'm pretty used to actual medicine, but for  the purpose of this experiment I will give it a go. All for  the greater good (the greater good). I will look into this and write about more  when I figure it out.

Also on the medicine side I  realise there is one thing I cannot go plastic  free on! Ever. That  is my inhalers, and yes for asthma. I've had them all of my life, and they are plastic. I don't even want to think about how much waste that must have accumulated! Luckily I can send them back to the company so they can recycle the plastic, but obviously it is not ideal! Though it's better than what we used to have to do by throwing them away though, so I'll take it. So that's another failure right there.

So if anyone's got any suggestions, or tips /tricks about any of the above or other stuff I've written about please feel free to comment and let me know =).

Until tomorrow! Thanks for reading.


  1. Dear FPL, from a quick google search I found out that menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms are exacerbated when eating unhealthy. Since you are going on this adventure to eliminate plastic, a lot of healthy stuff will derive from it, because it's fresher, organic, whole, so on. So it may be that the pains and aches are going to become less aggressive :) Also, teas, teas and teas! Look for anti-inflammatory and pain relieving teas, like ginger and chamomile!
    About the inhalers and toothpaste, if you keep doing everything else, those are both items that are not bought and thrown away everyday, so... Everything else is a big victory!
    Best from Portugal,
    Vanessa :)

  2. Mate, don't think of it as failures, you'll get, whatever,you know, defeated and such. Now it's an issue in your mind, you'll find others with the same thing to fix and then it's power in numbers, hurrah. Keep up the good work!

  3. Mate, don't think of it as failures, you'll get, whatever,you know, defeated and such. Now it's an issue in your mind, you'll find others with the same thing to fix and then it's power in numbers, hurrah. Keep up the good work!

  4. Turns out the tampons aren't plastic free so new readers know. They are wrapped individually in plastic, which is far from ideal!

  5. Turns out the tampons aren't plastic free so new readers know. They are wrapped individually in plastic, which is far from ideal!
