I had an interesting day today. So whilst i'm getting low on milk I bought prior to this challenge, I realised I had to get my hands on some soon. My dad told me about a place near us that sells raw milk by the litre which was great. He drew me a map and I was on my way, with my boyfriend and sister as company. We were also planning on going to a farm shop nearby and so they thought they'd come with :). So 25 minutes drive from my house and we found this farm, with a small hut outside advertising the milk. We could actually see the Jersey cows in the field and around the farm, so you could tell it was going to be fresh. When I approached the hut I could see that there was a machine inside advertising the milk for £1.20 a litre, or £2 for 2 litres. You had the option of putting it in a free plastic bottle or pay £1.50 for a 1 litre glass bottle (It's annoying you have to pay for something you'll reuse and not for something you'll throw away!). So i bought 2 glass bottles and 2 litres of milk to keep me going, as I understand you can't keep hold of the raw milk for very long. We'll have to see if this will work, 25 minutes there and back, I would have to go to the farm shop too whilst i'm there if I want milk to make it worth it - or reinstate my milkman. I also bought some nice eggs from here - £1.80 for 6 eggs, which wasn't too bad, since I know that they're not battery hens!
I haven't tried it yet, but hopefully the milk is good! We also went to the farm shop afterwards which had way more stuff wrapped in plastic than I'd have liked, so i'll probably end up getting my veg from that grocers in Muswell Hill or the other farm shop I know that's a bit further out into Hertfordshire. We had a lovely lunch though, ploughmans cheese lunch - recommend it!
On the toothpaste front, I contacted LUSH about their "tooth tablets" which they use to sell in cardboard boxes, but switched to plastic bottles. I found out they switched because the boxes got wet in the bathroom and it affected the tablets, so they stopped doing it. They also don't refill the bottles for you, which is out of the question. They also do "tooth powder" which they sell in small plastic pots, so I suggested they sell them in metal pots instead and offer to refill them. They do offer to take the plastic pot back to recycle, but i'm not sure about still having to use the plastic in the first place... I may use this as an option if I really can't find anything else! I am however planning on going to lush for the shampoo & conditioner bars and looking into deodorant options too.

Until tomorrow!
Thanks for reading :)
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