Thursday, 16 June 2016

Day 12 - Razor Blades and The Trip Away

Day 12

So my razor is getting a bit blunt, and it occured to me - crap, that's almost ALL plastic, with heads to replace, but that's still more plastic straight into the landfill. So i got searching on the internet and saw you can buy safety razors that are all metal, where you can just replace the blades, or sharpen the blades, depending on the make and how expensive they are. I have found one with decent reviews that is £21.99, seems like a decent razor and in the comments a few women mentioned using them so it seems promising. It's something i'm willing to pay out for as I see it's something that i'll keep in the future. I'll let you know when it arrives and useage reviews. But yeah, it's just insane the amount of plastic we must go through for shaving alone - especially men if they use disposable razors! It's madness!

A small review I have for the Teo deoderant bar I bought from Lush. I have to say that I do have quite sensitive skin, and I found the bar to be quite abrasive and a bit itchy. It's also very very powdery and little blue bits in the bar end up over the floor everywhere. It smells nice and works well, but it's not right for my skin, it gets everywhere and would probably show up on dark clothing. You also can't use it on damp armpits, dry only, so if you need to reapply you'd have to try dry your armpits off first it seems.

So from tomorrow I will be taking a few days away up to Barnsley to visit a friend of mine for his birthday, so obviously this does concern me, as i'm not going to be sure what I can get around there, what's going to occur food wise too. At home I know where some of my resources are and I have back up tins of things in the cupboard, but away from home that leaves me a bit more vulnerable. Although this could be gotten round by eating out, but then it would be more expensive. But what will be will be and i'll try to update you tomorrow evening (if i've not had too much to drink, or even if I have it might make for an interesting read).

Anyhow, until tomorrow!

Thanks for reading.

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